This course is an introduction to Web (Java/Spring Boot) & Mobile (Android/Kotlin) & Embedded (IoT/Arduino/ESP32) Programming.
It occurs in common with EMSE's ICM students.
The course on Multi-Agent Coordination is focused on models of coordination in multi-agent systems. It addresses approaches for coordinating decentralized and open complex systems such as cyber-physical and social systems.
- Manager: Flavien BALBO
- Manager: Olivier BOISSIER
- Manager: Luis Gustavo NARDIN
This course is an introduction to Machine Learning. It occurs in common with EMSE's ICM students.
Introduction to Artficial Inteligence
1) Problem Solving
2) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
This course is a very brief introduction on Cyber Security: we learn how to perform some attacks, in order to learn how to defend against them. It addresses: Physical Security, (Local) Software Cracking, Remote Exploitation, Password Cracking, SQL Injection and the use of ML in IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems).
The course on Multi-Agent Coordination is focused on models of coordination in multi-agent systems. It addresses approaches for coordinating decentralized and open complex systems such as cyber-physical and social systems.
- Manager: Flavien BALBO
- Manager: Olivier BOISSIER
- Manager: Luis Gustavo NARDIN